Monday, May 7, 2007

Where are Indian Cleantech Startups?

Going by the global startup scenario, lately, cleantech & energy has been one of the biggest buzz around. Silicon Valley venture equity circles have realized that next wave of billion dollar companies would come from clean technologies & technologies that can contribute towards solving world energy problem.

I have not seen much talk around either energy or clean tech in Indian venture private equity circles or startup ecosystem in general.

Leave alone US Silicon Valley; Closer to home, consider these facts about China

1. Last year Chinese Clean-Tech firms received 220 million in Venture funding

2. Emission trading is expected to reach $100 billion a year. China receives about 60% of present carbon credits; it translates into $60 billion a year in climate-change aid. (Read my earlier write-up on how you can use Carbon Credits as source of capital)

Absence of Indian activity in energy and clean technology space puzzles me.

Am I missing any thing? What has been your experience that can explain lack of interest of Indian venture community in this mega opportunity?


Anonymous said...

check out the 1st India Cleantech Forum in Delhi on 3rd August 2007 at

Anonymous said...