Sunday, November 4, 2007

UGC Play YouMagix goes Vertical

Here is official Press Release

In spite of all the buzz about Internet products, Internet landscape in India lacks basic & reliable services that people take for granted in western world. Today, Indian Internet story requires not merely cool technology but a reliable service delivery & content infrastructure that can deliver powerful productivity enhancements to millions over world wide web.

In this context's launch of movies & show time finder services signals an important value addition milestone in Indian Internet consumer space.

What makes unique is the breadth and depth of movie finder services that Ghoomo makes available to consumers in India. At present, Ghoomo covers 25 Indian cities and over 500 movie screens. In near future, Ghoomo plans to make movie finder services available to 50 cities & over 1000 movie screens in India.

Another significant aspect of Ghoomo services is an effective marriage of User Generated Content & credible content driven by robust backend processes to provide a powerful and useful movies & show time search experience. is a part of, an experimental stage family of products. YouMagix product range intends to fill content availability gaps in countries such as India by innovative application of User Generated Content.

As rolls out complete service offerings in coming days, a hassle free & seamless movie planning experience can no longer be a dream for movie goers in India.