Monday, April 18, 2011

exploring-the-reality: In search of balanced coexistence with Nature

After a bit of meditation about our relationship with the existence around, it soon starts to amaze us as to how every organism on this planet, apart from human beings, have found a balance with surrounding environment. Every organism only consumes from the nature exactly what is required to survive. Even the organisms who hibernate during winters only store enough to go through the hibernation.

Accumulation beyond what is absolutely required for co-existence with nature is absolutely a no in all plant & animal life around us. Every organism also contributes to well being of existence by performing important functions of cleaning & rejuvenating natural resources as one's limited existence allows.

This reality is in stark contrast to the great imbalance human race has created with nature. From this perspective, when I meditate on the reason for this imbalance, it is not very difficult to see.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Why spend trillions in decoding human machine when we are ones who run it everyday?

With trillions of dollars being spent on understanding how human body/mind system work, I wonder

1. Aren't we the ones who run this system day in and day out?

2. Shouldn't these dollars be spent on efforts to discover dimensions of our consciousness that are able to connect to the pre-embedded knowledge within each of us?

Lets spend time and effort to break the barriers of limited extent of our 5 senses bound time-space. The question is How?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Deadline or to not deadline - Exploring reality

Deadlines are a bad idea when

1. Teams or individuals working on creating something new
2. Initial stages of unstructured or complex work

Deadlines work best when

1. Individual pieces of work are almost complete and integration is required to give product complete shape

2. Repetitive & well understood tasks that require that extra push to reach the finish line

Summary - When the path is clear deadlines help to reach the finish line fast, on the other hand, if one is discovering the path, deadlines are best avoided.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Is United Attack on Libyan Govt Forces a Good Idea?


1. Sends a signal to dictators about repercussions of carrying out genocide in their countries
2. Sends a signal that the forces of democracy are stronger than the forces of oppression
3. UN sanctioned it signalling that predominant world view is against Libyan govt designs

Why Not

1. Presumption of outside forces about what people want in other countries can be terribly wrong
2. Raises questions about sovereign rights of individual nations
3. Armed actions in past have had limited successes in establishing peaceful social systems

Saturday, March 19, 2011

World Should Dump Nuclear Power - Really?

World Should Dump Nuclear Power

1. Catastrophic fallouts of failures
2. No feasible way to cleanly dispose the waste
3. Long gestation time of setting up power plants
4. Over dependence on established nuclear fuel suppliers

Why Not?
1. Cleanest way to product power
2. Reduces dependence on Oil for energy needs
3. Very reliable long term energy source
4. Cost equation does not change too much over the life time - Unlike coal/oil powered plants

Twitter Marketing Series - Step 1 of N

Twitter Marketing Series - An attempt to bring out twitter marketing reality in a few words

Step I of N

1. Select a niche that is broad enough - A segment of 10000 may be

2. Select a twitter handle that forms a problem statement - Four words max - Something that people search on Google

3. Start following experts in your Niche

4. Post something of specific value to your segment every day

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 Starting Thought - What if we were not Slaves of our Egos?

2011 has arrived - I wish more power & success to new venture ecosystem in India.

If one asks me to name one defining characteristic of entrepreneurs, the answer would undoubtedly be the fact that we are all slaves of our Egos - slaves of a wish to be seen as different from others.

A strange question crossed my mind as I started 2011 - What would I do differently if I was not a slave of my ego?

The answer touched me as nothing else so far in my life -

I would create purely for the pleasure of just plain creation and not for the appreciation, or lack of it, it generates from others.

Three cheers to the new venture creation that we are all part of & a very happy new year to all who are part of this game.