Wednesday, June 6, 2007

How Vibrant is Indian Startup Environment

In this post, I start with laying down well understood fundamental building blocks of a vibrant startups ecosystem. Later posts will carry details on how Indian environment fares on various parameter while providing benchmarks and evidence across cultures and countries.

Though results of one social context can not be completely replicated in another, a comparative study can help identify missing pieces. More importantly it can provide interested stake holders glimpses of potential opportunities for making a positive difference to Indian venture environment.

Some of the widely accepted elements of a vibrant environment for Innovation & new enterprises are
  • Widespread entrepreneurial spirit
  • Availability of Risk Capital
  • Academic & other institutions incubating technological breakthroughs
  • Culture of innovation & last but not the least
  • A mature entrepreneurial social support environment, among other things, that provides
    • Availability of useful information, time critical help & mentoring to budding entrepreneurs
    • Social support for failures and second start
    • Availability of Entrepreneurial Role models
    • Social infrastructure of competitions, incubation, awards & public recognition
Innovation ecosystem around Stanford University is an excellent example of how these factors contribute. Additionally, phenomenal technological success of innovative Israeli enterprises and examples from European & Asian context also provide other examples of success in diverse global context.

Next in this series -- How does India fare on individual attributes & where you can help

1 comment:

MuX said...

hi subodh,
nice post. i cudnt find the other posts in this series, on how india fares on the individual attributes that you have mentioned.