Sunday, March 8, 2009

Entrepreneurial Upside of Gloom @ IIM Placements

Shaken Global economy is showing its impact at IIM Campuses as never before. Gloom is palpable and to say the least things are rough for students graduating out of even the top most management & engineering institutions.

The most visible proof of such a scenario is an abrupt switch of Indian media obsession from stratospheric salaries offered at IIM Campuses to sensational stories of availability of top end brain pool to start-ups at bargain basement prices.

I see a significant positive scenario emerging from this gloom that can expedite the Indian transformation to the top of innovation & entrepreneurial league.

World has seen and talked about two kinds of entrepreneurial activity, one that contributes to more than 90% of the business starts, namely no-other-option scenario that pushes people to start on their own. Generally such businesses are commodity driven & do not count for much of innovation in the world.

The second more interesting category of ventures are High Expectation Entrepreneurship. These are the ventures that are started by people who are highly capable, who have very high earning potential options in corporate world.

Today's gloom scenario creates an Interesting melting pot of the two types. Very high potential people left with no options but to start on their own can give rise to innovation on unprecedented scale. This interesting merger gives us a significant reason to smile (if not cheer) at this ironical seminal moment of opportunity for innovation, enterprise & change (Pun not intended).

Subodh Vinchurkar is founder of ADPS Consulting & and can be reached at subodhv AT adpsconsulting dot com

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