Wednesday, April 18, 2007

NSRCEL Empowering Women Entrepreneurs

One of the prominent entrepreneurial hubs at Bangalore NSRCEL is offering an entrepreneurial management program exclusively for women entrepreneurs.

Women entrepreneurs are special and challenges they face are unique. Management program to assist them handle new business challenges, managerial functions & real world know how is a welcome visionary step. I have a woman entrepreneur at home and know first hand that it is not an easy path to take.

Vital statistics below

1. Dates of the program: Apr 16 - May 4 and again from May 21st to May 30th (Mon - Fri)
2. Details at NSRCEL website

Well done IIMB & NSRCEL, keep it up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're absolutely right! There are really more challenges facing women entrepreneurs. Women tend to stick together though, and there are several web resources available for networking and advice.